How To Easily Claim Your Google Business Profile
Chapter 1 Overview
There are 3 steps to successfully obtaining a Google Business Profile. The steps you need to take depend upon whether Google has indexed your business and created a profile for it. If so, all you need to do is claim it. Follow the steps in the Claiming Your Business Profile section on how to easily claim your Google Business profile. If not or you’re unable to find it, you’ll need to add your business to the Google Business Profile database.The last step is verifying you own the business you’re listing.
Chapter Quick Links:
Adding Your Business | Claiming Your Business Profile | Verifying Your Google Business Profile
Adding Your Business Profile
Please note: Google may have already created a Google Business Profile listing for your business (in this case you simply have to “claim it”). Then go to the Claiming Your Business Profile section of this chapter for how to easily claim your Google Business Profile. Google searches its database to see if your listing already exists when you go through the steps of adding it.
If you’re unsure as to whether you have a listing or not, just follow the steps below. The first step in obtaining your Google Business Profile is to add your business. Before adding a new profile, you can always search for your profile and see if it’s been claimed. Follow our how to easily claim your Google Business Profile section of this chapter for a step by step walk through on claiming your profile listing. Don’t worry though. If you end up inadvertently creating more than one listing, you can easily delete the duplicate one later.
On your web browser type in or search google maps.

Select Menu
Selecting “menu” opens the Google Maps navigation menu which provides the options below.
Add Your Business
Click on the “add your business” link in the navigation menu.

Start Building Your Profile
Type in your business name. Then start typing in a category. Google will suggest categories for you as you start typing. Select the one that most closely fits your business (you can change it and add additional categories once your profile has been verified (more on that later).

If It Doesn't Match
If the name doesn’t match, simply click the “this doesn’t match” link and click the “next” button.
Add A Location?
Google wants to know if your business is visited by your customers. If customers come to your location, click the “yes” radio button and then click the “next” button.

Enter Your Address
Complete the business address. This address should be completed exactly the way it’s listed on your website, social media profiles and on any directories you may be included in. The consistency in the use of your Business Name, Address and Phone (NAP) across all of your online listings is very important to your search visibility.
Customers Don't Visit
If your customers don’t visit your location, select the “no” radio button. This eliminates the visibility of your address from your Google Business Profile. Click the “next” button to move onto the next section.

Your Service Area Options
If you don’t have a physical location where your customers visit, such as electricians, plumbers and other home service contractors, you can provide your geographic areas of service. Enter the cities and towns you service. Then click the “next” button.
Contact Details To Show
You can decide if you want to share your phone number and website (or skip this step). You can always add or change these fields once your listing has been verified.

Deliveries Or Visits
If you offer a delivery service or visit your customers at their home or office, click the “yes” radio button, then click “next”.
Delivery or Service Area
If you offer a delivery or customer visitation service, Google will include your service area as part of your profile. Enter the cities and towns you service. Then click the “next” button.

No Deliveries Or Visits
If you don’t offer a delivery service or visit your customers at their home or office, click the “no” radio button, then click “next”.
Delivery Contact Details
After presenting you with the option to add delivery or customer visitation services to your listing, Google will ask if you would like to include your phone number and website. You can skip this step. You can always add or change these fields once your listing has been verified.

Review Business Info
Typically, if you’re logged into Google (via the Chrome browser), you may be presented with the name of the business you added along with the category (as shown). If this information is correct, click the “next” button.
Manage This Business
You’ll typically see a screen similar to the one illustrated if the listing you added already exists (and you’re an admin on the listing). If you see this screen and (1) the listing is correct and (2) your email is correct, click the “manage now” button. If not, click the I own or manage another business.

You're Being Verified
If you don’t see either of the two previous screens, Google is in the process of adding your profile listing.
How To Easily Claim Your Google Business Profile
Searching For Your Business
Desktop Search
How to easily claim your Google Business profile via desktop google search. Search for your Google Business Profile. If there’s a listing for your business you can manage or claim it. Look for the “own this business” link.

Desktop Google Maps Search
How to easily claim your Google Business Profile via desktop maps search. Here’s how to search Google Maps. Go to and enter the name of your business into the search bar. If the listing exists, Google will display it {as illustrated). Click the “own this business” link to claim or manage the listing.
Mobile Search
How to easily claim your Google Business Profile via mobile search. mobile search is very similar to the desktop search. If you see your business displayed in the search results, look for the “own this business” link. Click it to claim or manage your profile.

Mobile Google Maps Search
How to easily claim your Google Business Profile via maps search on mobile. You may find a Google Map icon on your mobile device. If so, click the icon. This will open the Google Maps search page. If you don’t see the icon, you can navigate to Look for the “own this business” link to claim or manage the profile listing.
Own This Business?
Find the “own this business” link in your Google Business Profile listing. Google displays this link via Google search results as well as Google Map search. You should see the link regardless of the device you’re using.

Manage Business
If you’re logged into gmail on your desktop computer or mobile phone, Google will display your admin or management email. If it’s correct, click the “manage now” button.
Profile Is "Live" Email
Google will email the admin when your profile is “live”. The illustration shows what the email looks like.

You Manage This Business
After verifying the listing and receiving Google’s welcome email, and you’re logged into Gmail, you’ll see the “you manage the business profile” text with a verification checkmark.
You’ll also see a clickable link to “edit your business information (assuming you’re logged into Gmail).
When logged into your Google Business Profile Manager dashboard (on desktop), you’ll see a screen similar to the one illustrated. A blue checkmark alongside the word “verified” indicates that profile listings you manage or administrate have been verified.

You can manage and view your business profile listing on mobile. You’ll see the same verification checkmark and “verified” text for the profile listings that have been verified.
Business Profile Verification
Check to see if you’ve already claimed your business profile. Follow our step by step section on how to easily claim your Google Business Profile.
Video Recording Verification
If Google requires (or you choose this option) “video recording” verification, you’ll need to provide the video in a specific way.
Here’s an illustrated walk through of the process…

Here’s a step by step written version…
Follow the steps below to insure you record and upload the video properly.
Uploading your video.
Step 1.
In one continuous recording, include:
a. Your current location. To show your Google Maps location, capture outside signs, like your street’s name, nearby businesses, or the area around your business.
b. Business or equipment. To show that your business is at this Google Maps location, capture your operations. This can include things like stock for sale, branded equipment, marketing materials, and tools you use to serve your customers.
c. Proof of management. To show that you’re authorized to represent your business, capture your access to employee-only items or areas. This includes things like a cash register, kitchen, storage room, or non-sensitive business documents. You can also use your keys to open your facility.
Step 2.
On your mobile device, go to your Business Profile. Learn how to find your profile.
(If you start verification on a computer, to continue on your mobile device, you can scan a QR code).
Step 3.
Tap “Get Verified” and then “Capture Video.
Step 4.
Tap “Start Recording.” Follow the steps and record your video.
Step 5.
“Tap Stop Recording” and then “Upload Video”.
Waiting for review.
After you upload your video, Google reviews. The review processing can take up to 5 business days.
Successful Verification.
If you’ve successfully verified, you get a notification.
Unsuccessful Verification.
If the video method doesn’t work, the “Get verified” button will show up.
In this case try an alternative verification option.
Deleting Your Video.
You can delete your video at any time. However, if you cancel the video upload, Google will have access to it. Learn how to delete your video.
Phone or SMS Text
Make sure that you can directly answer the business phone number provided in your business profile setup.
1. Go to your Business Profile (you can find your Google Business Profile by searching your business name on Google or Google Maps).
2. Click Get verified and then Phone or SMS.
3. Answer the phone or sms text with the code.
4.Enter the code into your profile where prompted.
You must have access to the email registered with Google for the business profile.
1. Go to your Business Profile (you can find your Google Business Profile by searching your business name on Google or Google Maps).
2. Click “Get Verified” and then “Email”.
3. Follow the steps provided in the email
Note: check your promotions or spam folder
Don’t edit your business name, address or category until you’ve received the postcard (or verified your business via alternative method).
Postcards typically arrive within 14 days.
When entering the code provided on the postcard, it’s important to enter it correctly. If you enter the code incorrectly more than 5 times, Google requires you remove the profile from your Google Account and make a new profile.
Postcard Verification Steps:
1. Request your postcard. Find your profile and click “Get verified” and then Postcard.
Make sure the address is correct.
Request the postcard.
2. Entering postcard verification code. Find to your Business Profile. In the “Code” field, enter the 5-digit verification code from your postcard.
3. Click Submit.
(Note: Google won’t call you to ask for a verification code).
Your code is unique to your business.
Don’t share your verification code with anyone, including third party Google Business Profile management services. Your code is unique to your business. You should be the only one who uses it.
Live Video Call
If Google requires a “live video call” with you, you’ll need to be prepared in advance of the call.
These are the steps you need to follow:
Step 1: Prepare for the call.
a. Make sure you’re within support hours for your region and language.
b. Make sure your mobile device can join a live video call. The Google support representative will help you join the call.
c. Make sure your at your business location for the call. You’ll need to demonstrate your location and ownership on the video call. For example:
Your current location:
Show outside signs, like your street’s name, nearby businesses, or the area around your business.
Business or equipment:
Capture your operations. This includes things like stock for sale, branded equipment, marketing materials, or tools you use to serve your customers.
Proof of management:
Show your access to employee-only items or areas. This includes things like a cash register, kitchen, storage room, or non-sensitive business documents. You can also use your keys to open your facility.
Tip: If you enter a queue, you can choose to contact our Help Center. We usually take 24 hours to respond and we may ask you for more info.
Step 2: Initiate an SMS text chat with support on any device.
1. Go to your Business Profile.
2. Click “Get Verified” and then “Video Call” and then “Next”.
3.Pick your language.
4. Click “Start Call” to start a text chat with the next available support representative,
Step 3: Show your business via video call via a mobile device.
1. A representative will help you join a video call on your mobile device.
2. Use mobile devices’ built in camera to show your business location and ownership.
Profile Verification Status
Business Profile Manager

When you log into your Google Business Profile Manager account on desktop, the dashboard shows each of the business profiles you manage or administrate. At a quick glance, the blue checkmark and “verified” status tell you the listing has been verified.
Logging into the Google Business Profile Management dashboard on mobile presents each of the business listings your administrate or manage. Look for a blue checkmark next to the word “verified” for confirmation that the business profile has been verified.
Going to will give you and opportunity to check the verification status of your business profile listing. From time to time Google makes or suggests updates to your business profile. You’re prompted to accept or modify these updates. Doing so may require re-verifying your business profile. Here’s where you go to do that.
Confirm Email
Google will prompt you to confirm the email associated with your Google Business Profile. If the email presented is correct, click the “yes” button to confirm. Then click the “continue” button.

Select A Business
If you administrate or manage more than one Business Profile listing, Google will present you with a list of them. Select the listing you wish to check the status of. Then click the “continue” button.
If Google is able to match your answers to a business profile, you’ll see the verification screen as shown.